's a wild world, Facebook's "standards". You need a dictionary of smut to understand what's banned.
And clearly Turkey has got heavy on Facebook's ass:
And yet again, the dictum that seeing someone breast-feeding is shocking, but shooting her in the head and then stamping on her body is OK comes to the fore:Not OK:
And the "Sexually explicit language and sexual solicitation policy" is just priceless.
Blatant (obvious) depiction of cameltoes and moose knuckles
And clearly Turkey has got heavy on Facebook's ass:
International Compliance/IP Blocks:
Photos AND/OR text making fun of/attacking/depicting negatively/criticizing, Ataturk.
Burning the Turkish flag[other flags are ok to be shown burning]
Maps of Kurdistan [as of now, only maps are escalated; other references are merely confirmed]
Holocaust denial[any discussion of holocaust denial that contains hate speech should be escalated]
And yet again, the dictum that seeing someone breast-feeding is shocking, but shooting her in the head and then stamping on her body is OK comes to the fore:Not OK:
Breastfeeding photos showing othernudity, or nipple clearly exposed
Crushed heads, limbs, etc. are ok aslong as no insides are showing
And the "Sexually explicit language and sexual solicitation policy" is just priceless.